document updated 13 years ago, on Jun 29, 2011
- BackPAN is nothing more than an rsync'ed mirror of without the --delete option active. There may be more than one public BackPANs ( and used to be separate, for instance). And there are still (at least one hopes) several private copies of BackPAN being made.
- Publically-available BackPANs:
creating a basic index, since BackPAN has none
after downloading
- CPAN::ParseDistribution — looks inside a BackPAN distribution tarball, and tells you: what modules, what module versions, distribution name, distribution version
- CPAN::Metadata::RDF — generates metadata about CPAN/BackCPAN modules in RDF format
other BackPAN-related modules
- BackPAN::Version::Discover — tries to determine exactly which CPAN/BackPAN distribution release each installed module may have come from
other websites that aren't EXACTLY the same as BackPAN, but are close in mission