If you want to automatically run Devel::TraceUse inside every script on a server, do this...
Run this to find out where to create this file:
perl -V:usesitecustomize -V:sitelib
Then paste this into into $Config{sitelib}/sitecustomize.pl:
# This runs Devel::TraceUse in EVERY perl script on this server, automatically. # Log files will be written to /var/tmp/Devel::TraceUse/. # ---- configuration varables ---- # Record a separate log file for each pid? (true/false) my $CONFIG__PER_PID = 0; # Only record log files for one script? (blank to record for all scripts) my $CONFIG__ONLY_ONE_SCRIPT = '/usr/bin/blah'; use File::Spec::Functions; my $DevelTraceUse_log; my $zero; # $0 but an absolute path BEGIN { mkdir '/var/tmp/Devel::TraceUse/'; chmod 0777, '/var/tmp/Devel::TraceUse/'; # make sure scripts under other users can write to it $zero = File::Spec::Functions::rel2abs($0); $DevelTraceUse_log = "$zero.user--" . getpwuid($<) . ".log"; $DevelTraceUse_log =~ s#/#=#g; $DevelTraceUse_log = "/var/tmp/Devel::TraceUse/$DevelTraceUse_log"; # option to record a separate log file per pid if ($CONFIG__PER_PID) { $DevelTraceUse_log =~ s/\.log$/.pid--$$.log/; } # mute the "Use -d:TraceUse for more accurate information." message $^P = 0x08; # Handle the situation where scripts are almost always running, and the # most you can do is restart them, leading to an otherwise-constantly # zero file-size for the log. if (-e $DevelTraceUse_log && -s $DevelTraceUse_log > 0) { rename $DevelTraceUse_log, "$DevelTraceUse_log.old"; } } use if (!$CONFIG__ONLY_ONE_SCRIPT || $zero eq $CONFIG__ONLY_ONE_SCRIPT), "Devel::TraceUse" => "output:$DevelTraceUse_log"; # make sure that Devel::TraceUse gets called, even when the script dies BEGIN { if ($INC{'Devel/TraceUse.pm'}) { # in case $ONLY_ONE_SCRIPT is specified $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { # make sure we're not inside an eval return if [caller(1)]->[3] eq '(eval)' || ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq 'START' || $^S; Devel::TraceUse::dump_result(); }; } }
This will automatically create log files in /var/tmp/Devel::TraceUse/