dev > perl > modules > documentation
document updated a day ago, on Mar 12, 2025
IMHO, Devel::DumpTrace is one of the best of the various trace tools.

sending trace to a log file

viewing logs in Vim ($Devel::DumpTrace::TRACE == 3)

:set nowrap                    " needed because some lines get OBNOXIOUSLY long
:match IncSearch /^[^>].*/     " make it easy to distinguish between DumpTrace lines and non

:" conceal
:syntax match NonText "^.\{-}:\d\+:\[[^\]]*\]:" conceal
:set conceallevel=2
:set concealcursor=nc       " concealed text is hidden, except for in visual mode

workaround for bug

When you try to load 'Devel::DumpTrace', then load and use 'DB_File', you get the error message:
DB_File::BTREEINFO does not define the method FIRSTKEY at /usr/local/share/perl5/Devel/ line 634.
A quick but non-functional workaround for this is to add this to your main script:
use DB_File;
    # Silence the error "DB_File::BTREEINFO does not define the method FIRSTKEY" when using
    # Devel::DumpTrace, even though we don't actually fix the problem.