dev > programming_languages > csharp > collections
document updated 15 years ago, on May 14, 2009
generic non-generic internally implemented as IList IEnumerable IDictionary
Array (none) linear array Y Y N
List<T> ArrayList linear array Y Y N
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> Hashtable hash table N Y Y
SortedList<TKey, TValue> SortedList binary search tree N Y Y
SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue> - binary search tree N Y Y
Stack<T> Stack linear array N Y N
Queue<T> Queue linear array N Y N
LinkedList<T> - linked list N Y N
HashSet<T> - hash table N Y N
SortedSet<T> ? ? ? ? ?


GetValue() O(1)
SetValue() O(1)
BinarySearch() O(n log(n)) behavior is undefined if not presorted
Reverse() O(n)
Resize() O(n) use ArrayList instead
Sort() O(n log(n)) quick sort


An array that grows as needed. When it expands, it allocates a new array, double in size, leaving room for further expansion.

GetValue() O(1)
SetValue() O(1)
Add() O(1) appends one to the end
RemoveAt() O(n) removing things from the middle requires an array copy
Insert() O(n) adding things from the middle requires an array copy
Sort() O(n log(n)) quick sort