document updated 17 years ago, on Nov 11, 2007
- mark each trashbag you use with some masking tape with "OK" written on it, and put that on the
side of the trash bag. MAKE SURE EVERYTHING you put in that bag DOES NOT have the RF Remote in it.
Put things in one-by-one by hand to make sure.
- several times a day (or at LEAST once a day), set aside 5 minutes where I HAVE to work on cleaning up.
Make it a game. Just test yourself to see if you can go the full time working. Or try to clean up
more than you did last time. Use this stopwatch
to time yourself.
- especially if you can get to some appointment 5 minutes late, spend 5 minutes doing this
before leaving... I'm starting to be in a "productive" mindset right before leaving, so
leverage off of that.
- write up a list of rewards to give yourself, and dole them out based on how many minutes you
spend doing cleanup.
(and, of course, this can be adapted long-term to general housework... I can write up a
list of discretionary spending I'd like to do... and then delay those items until I've done enough
minutes of work to be able to reward myself. In this manner, I both reduce my expenses, AND provide real solid motivation for getting work