games > CCG > WorldOfWarcraft
document updated 17 years ago, on Mar 25, 2007
# using the code at
# % means "it was legal for all winning regional decks to cummulatively use Y of these cards, and X were cummulatively used",
# so a higher percentage means it's more widely considered mandatory

  98.33%     59 of   60    AZEROTH 52/361                            Fire Blast (C)                 mage
  94.34%    200 of  212    AZEROTH 212/361                           Parvink (C)                    --alliance--
  94.17%    113 of  120    AZEROTH 109/361                           Frost Shock (C)                shaman
  93.97%    109 of  116    AZEROTH 36/361                            Bloodclaw (C)                  hunter
  86.36%     76 of   88    AZEROTH 130/361                           Sarmoth (C)                    warlock
  84.48%     98 of  116    AZEROTH 33/361                            Arcane Shot (C)                hunter
  83.33%     20 of   24    AZEROTH 82/361                            Mind Spike (C)                 priest
  78.33%     47 of   60    AZEROTH 58/361                            Polymorph (C)                  mage
  77.10%    367 of  476    AZEROTH 350/361                           Chasing A-Me 01 (C)            --ALL--
  67.05%    177 of  264    AZEROTH 345/361                           Torek's Assault (C)            --horde--
  58.02%    123 of  212    AZEROTH 209/361                           Moira Darkheart (C)            --alliance--
  55.19%    117 of  212    AZEROTH 197/361                           Latro Abiectus (C)             --alliance--
  54.25%    115 of  212    AZEROTH 176/361                           Apprentice Teep (C)            --alliance--
  54.17%     65 of  120    AZEROTH 113/361                           Lightning Bolt (C)             shaman
  53.41%     47 of   88    AZEROTH 131/361                           Sever the Cord (C)             warlock
  52.65%    139 of  264    AZEROTH 240/361                           Guardian Steelhorn (C)         --horde--
  50.00%    132 of  264    AZEROTH 232/361                           Confessor Mildred (C)          --horde--
  49.06%    104 of  212    AZEROTH 340/361                           Defias Brotherhood, The (C)    --alliance--
  45.83%    121 of  264    AZEROTH 260/361                           Taz'dingo (C)                  --horde--
  43.91%    209 of  476    AZEROTH 171/361                           Vanquish (C)                   --ALL--
  43.33%     26 of   60    AZEROTH 48/361                            Blink (C)                      mage
  42.65%    203 of  476    AZEROTH 355/361                           Kibler's Exotic Pets (C)       --ALL--
  39.02%    103 of  264    AZEROTH 275/361                           Zygore Bladebreaker (C)        --horde--
  38.64%    102 of  264    AZEROTH 264/361                           Vesh'ral (C)                   --horde--
  34.47%     91 of  264    AZEROTH 249/361                           Kulan Earthguard (C)           --horde--
  32.58%     86 of  264    AZEROTH 253/361                           Ophelia Barrows (C)            --horde--
  30.68%     81 of  264    AZEROTH 243/361                           Hur Shieldsmasher (C)          --horde--