games > CCG > WorldOfWarcraft
document updated 17 years ago, on May 7, 2007
0. Allies are very useful, in that they do free, repeating damage over a number of turns.  If one
    side is allowed to get 5+ allies without opposition, they're very likely to win the game in
    short order.

1. Card draw is very important. Focus on getting a decent collection of quest cards that have
    net-positive card-draw, and don't use any other quest cards unless you have a good reason to.
    (and be careful to avoid to have a net-positive card-draw but really result in net-zero)

2. It's easy to play with speed allies (eg. horde, and as many ferocities as you can get) that
    aren't situation-specific.  A deck that's made of only speed allies and card-draw quests will
    definitely beat the least sophisticated decks.  (eg. those that don't incorporate elusives or
    other cards requiring non-combat damage)

3. Non-combat damage is important, in order to deal with elusives.