games > CCG > WorldOfWarcraft
document updated 17 years ago, on May 13, 2007
Decks that I've had at least minimal success with:

Armor turtle deck
- use an alliance warrior

- the most important is getting 3+ pieces of armor deployed...  this is an effective shield that
  makes it difficult to do any damage (even if I lose 66% of healt before the shield up, it's still
  a very good thing)

- warrior's +1 ATK to my hero/allies and -1 ATK to opponents becomes increasingly useful as well

- combine this with alliance's plethora of Elusive allies

- vulnerabilities:
    - anything that destroys armor (eg. Moria Darkheart) can kill this in the long run

    - an effective aggro/speed deck can do enough damage before I'm able to errect the full shield

Simple speed deck
Include ONLY:
    - card-draw quests
    - horde allies, especially ferocity ones
    - anything else that can give positive card-draw

    - lack of non-combat damage means it fails miserably against an elusive-heavy deck.

Elusive + Flamestrike
- all elusive allies
- mage's flamestrike (to quickly deal with rows of allies)