games > CCG > WorldOfWarcraft
document updated 17 years ago, on May 12, 2007
===== May 1, 2007 =====

- holy shit, Forbidden Knowledge really can be quite an effective card, for games that you can make
  it to turn 8...   Priorities on cards to draw are:
    - Blueleaf Tubers, to prevent you from losing the game
    - 4xIN DREAMS...  this and ForbidKnowl are turn 8 cards...  presumably you throw down FK first...
      that means that the resources for the NEXT FOUR TURNS will be 100% in-dreams...  you're
      guaranteed 12 extra cards over the next four turns.
    - Anything else that has card-draw....  in case 12 cards isn't enough, cards like Parvink that
      let you draw extra cards are now THAT MUCH MORE POWERFUL
    - Is there a way to pre-empty any ability-killing cards, to keep the party rolling?
        - only one that I can find: Tyrus Sheynathren, however, it requires you to maintain an extra
          three resources free....  which makes it hard to do the FK+InDreams combo right away at turns 8+9

- add columns to the Excel spreadsheet that indicate:
    - which cards have card-draw
    - cards that can do direct damage
    - cards that can destroy allies (similar to the above, but goes all the way)
    - cards that can destroy ongoing abilities
        - cards that can interrupt non-ongoing abilities?  (though there are very few of these)

===== May 5, 2007 =====

- Winsor beat me handily with his... Timmo Shadestep?  (Rogue Alliance)

- Lowdown Luppo is a very annoying card to try to kill

- buy more Flamestrike

- need to include more EQ killers in my deck

- an easy strategy: just copy Winsor's last deck, and HE'LL show me how to beat it...
        especially when I try several strategies and can't figure it out on my own

- my previous strategy was to try doing any non-combat damage.
    However, Winsor's "Helm of Fire", and my "Flamestrike" show that it's much better to focus on
    cards that can deal non-combat damage to multiple targets....  Especially the Fire Helm has the
    advantage of an ally (it sticks around and hits once per turn), but also of non-combat damage
    (who cares if they're elusive?  And it prevents opponents from striking back when attacked)

===== May 12, 2007 =====

- I beat Winsor 3/5 games with Litori Frostburn (alliance mage):
    - nearly EVERY ally was elusive, with only a very few exceptions (4xParvink (protection vs
      allies is good, plus card draw), Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Stylean Silversteel, Sentry Gwynn, ...)
    - Flamestrike<7>...  I only had one in my deck, but I could often deploy it with 3 allies out,
      and kill them all...  Winsor thinks this card (especially if I had 4 of them) is an
      overpowered game-winner
    - some equipment-killers, just to try to deal with Winsor's Fire Helm + Devilsaur Leggings


- buy some cheap ally killers (Winsor kept pulling out Coup de Grace<2> and Prey on the Weak<2> out,
  and it was sometimes very very disappointing (eg. when he killed my Lady Jain Proudmoore)

- I swear I thought that the artwork for Galway Steamwhistle was *very* similar to the artwork on
  another WoWTCG card...  Maybe not though, because that artist is credited with only two cards?

- TAKE HERO-ONLY NCD OUT!!  (even though it won me one of the games tonight)

- BUY MORE of the Flamestrike<7> card, because Winsor says it owns

- Ryn Dreamstrider sucks because he exhausts himself and doesn't end up doing a whole lot of damage
  for 4 points