games > pc > ADOM
document updated 16 years ago, on Jan 11, 2008
- can Microsoft PowerShell be used to run ADOM quickly on XP, but with a decent font?
    - get WGA working again, GRR

- can DOSBox be used to run quickly on XP, but with a decent font?
        (review source code, particularly the int10 files)

- write a Perl game-of-life simulator that:

    1. allows you to specify a pattern of walls/bushes/blank
    2. the program brute-forces several steps into the future, trying various combinations of
        clearing bushes (eg. wait 2 rounds, then clear bush Y, then wait 2 more rounds, and clear bush Z)
    3. the program keeps track of which clearing-sequence results in largest and most stable
    pattern, and at the end reports that clearing-sequence

- write a javascript-based herb-bush helper...

    base it on this:
        - add the ability to specify nonaltering walls