document updated 17 years ago, on Dec 5, 2007
These are the stats that appear at the bottom of your screen. Mouse-over each to get a description.
Interiot St:12 Le:15 Wi:14 Dx:16 To:11 Ch:17 Ap:13 Ma:19 Pe:17 N=
DV/PV: 21/5 H: 35(35) P: 24(24) Exp: 6/2297 I2 Sp: 103
Related stats displays:
@ - display detailed weapon damage info, cur/max stats, and a bit more info
x - display how many experience points to go until the next level
$ - display the amount of gold you've got (though this also shows in the '@' screen, as well as in your inventory)
W - display left-hand/right-hand melee damage
leather cloak (-1, +0) [+3, -2]
A = the armor modifies all your MELEE weapons' bonus-to-hit by this much
B = the armor modifies all your MISSILE weapons' bonus-to-hit by this much
B = modification to your DV (defensive value)
D = modification to your PV (protection value)
spear (+1, 1d8)
A = bonus to-hit
B = bonus to-damage