games > pc > Natural_Selection
document updated 16 years ago, on Jun 22, 2007
It's been a while since I've played this thing...

- startup shortcut:
    C:\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 70 -game ns
  (or just start from Steam?)

- ATI gamma tweaking
    Okay, gamma can be a pain in the ass.
    HL doesn't intentionally try to override ATI Control Panel's settings, I don't think, but
        somehow it often does.  Sometimes you have to alt+tab, while still holding down alt, do
        alt+shift+tab to not ACTUALLY switch out of the game, and that'll fix it sometimes.
    The best solution so far seems to be to leave the Catalyst Control Panel open, and assign two
        hotkeys to two different profiles:
            Ctrl+G      high-gamma
            Ctrl+N      normal 1080p mode

- cfg tweaks:
    hud_fastswitch 1                Makes it so you don't have to click to change weapons.


    voice_scale .5                  Adjusts the voice volume, so you can hear the environment rather than yacking kids.

    bind "F1" "bind mwheeldown jointeamone"
    bind "F2" "bind mwheeldown jointeamtwo"
        This is a way (that's compatible with the no-scripting server flag) to spam-join a given
        team.  It means that when you don't want to spam, you have to actually hit two keys (F1 + mousewheel)
        but it's still really nice to be able to spam when I need to.