games > pc > Spelunky
document updated 16 years ago, on Jan 15, 2009


(can be reconfigured, of course)

Z jump
X action (whip, throw item, use item)
up+X open crate or chest
shift run
C cycle between the various items you have (bomb, rope, whip, etc)
F2 level editor
F3 play "test.lvl"
F4 toggle full-screen
M toggle music
There are subtle combinations of keys that modify behaviors slightly, in useful ways

Level editor keys

left click place current block at cursor
right click delete objects under cursor
escape save level to "test.lvl", and exit
changing current block
A, S change current block
1 A/S cycle between different blocks
2 A/S cycle between different enemies
3 A/S cycle between different traps
4 A/S cycle between different items