games > pc > Spelunky > cheating
document updated 16 years ago, on Jan 20, 2009

short version

to open up all minigames, use regedit.exe to update these keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Game Maker\Scores\834524\ to unlock all three shortcuts, change these registry entries:

full details

making any highscore change

Unfortunately, some items aren't stored in global variables, but are instead stored just in the highscores. And highscores can't be individually updated, you have to update them ALL to update one. For example, to enable the Moon Room:
// to run this, save it as 'highscore.txt' in the same folder as Debug Enabler.exe, and then execute:
//      execute_file("highscore.txt")

// ==== read in all highscores ====
tMoney = highscore_value(1) - 9000000;
tTime = highscore_value(2) - 8000000;
tKills = highscore_value(3) - 7000000;
tSaves = highscore_value(4) - 6000000;
tPlays = highscore_value(5) - 5000000;
tWins = highscore_value(6) - 4000000;
tDeaths = highscore_value(7) - 3000000;
tTunnel1 = highscore_value(8) - 2000000;
tTunnel2 = highscore_value(9) - 1000000;
tMiniAll = highscore_value(10)

// ==== modify the desired highscore(s) ====
tTime = 600000;
tWins = 1;

// ==== write out all highscores ====

highscore_add("MONEY", tMoney + 9000000);
highscore_add("TIME", tTime + 8000000);
highscore_add("KILLS", tKills + 7000000);
highscore_add("SAVES", tSaves + 6000000);
highscore_add("PLAYS", tPlays + 5000000);
highscore_add("WINS", tWins + 4000000);
highscore_add("DEATHS", tDeaths + 3000000);
highscore_add("TUNNEL1", tTunnel1 + 2000000);
highscore_add("TUNNEL2", tTunnel2 + 1000000);
highscore_add("MINIGAMES", tMiniAll);