watch expression | description
clarify feature's detailed inner workings
string(global.murderer) + " " + string(global.thiefLevel) | your shopkeeper "wanted" status
names of objects, sprites
object_get_name(oPlayer1.holdItem.object_index) | the name of the object you're holding
object_get_name(instance_position(mouse_x,mouse_y,all).object_index) + string_copy("",window_set_cursor(cr_default),0) | the name of the object the mouse is pointing at
sprite_get_name(instance_position(mouse_x,mouse_y,all).sprite_index) + string_copy("",window_set_cursor(cr_default),0) | the name of the sprite the mouse is pointing at
object_get_name(instance_nearest(oPlayer1.x,oPlayer1.y,oEnemy).object_index) | the name of the nearest enemy
object_get_name(instance_nearest(oPlayer1.x,oPlayer1.y,oItem).object_index) | the name of the nearest item
object_get_name(instance_nearest(oPlayer1.x,oPlayer1.y,oTreasure).object_index) | the name of the nearest treasure
level scumming (always work)
global.madeMoai | Was a the "blue head" containing the Hedjet created?
level scumming (these only work when the target is in the unfrozen region)
instance_exists(oDamsel) |
point_distance(oDamsel.x,oDamsel.y,oPlayer1.x,oPlayer1.y) | Is a damsel on this level? ('ERROR' if not). Also the distance to her.
point_distance(oShopkeeper.x,oShopkeeper.y,oPlayer1.x,oPlayer1.y) | Is a shopkeeper on this level?
| | What kind of shopkeeper is he?
point_distance(oShotgun.x,oShotgun.y,oPlayer1.x,oPlayer1.y) * !oShotgun.forSale | Is there an 'ASH' grave here? ('ERROR' if no shotgun anywhere, 0 if shotgun but only in a shop, and >0 if there's ASH grave)
instance_number(oCrate) | how many crates are on this level?
instance_number(oChest) | how many chests are on this level?
information about a nearby object
instance_nearest(oPlayer1.x,oPlayer1.y,oEnemy).hp | the nearest enemy's health
instance_nearest(oPlayer1.x,oPlayer1.y,oTreasure).value | the cash value of the nearest treasure
((oBomb.alarm[1]<0)*40+oBomb.alarm[1]+oBomb.alarm[0])/30 | seconds left on an armed bomb
instance_nearest(oPlayer1.x,oPlayer1.y,oEnemy).hp | nearest enemy's health
object_get_name(instance_nearest(oPlayer1.x,oPlayer1.y,oEnemy).object_index) | nearest enemy's name