games > pc > Spelunky > levels
document updated 15 years ago, on Feb 8, 2009
Tips for creating "enhanced user levels".

1. add these to your variable watches

        ==== "resting" X position of the object your mouse is pointing at ====
        instance_position(mouse_x,mouse_y,all).x + window_set_cursor(cr_default)

        ==== "resting" Y position of the object your mouse is pointing at ====
        instance_position(mouse_x,mouse_y,all).y + window_set_cursor(cr_default)
        ==== name of the object your mouse is pointing at ====
        object_get_name(instance_position(mouse_x,mouse_y,all).object_index) + string_copy("",window_set_cursor(cr_default),0)