games > pc > Spelunky > wiki
document updated 15 years ago, on Jan 30, 2009
Basic method:

- We know how to start a game in debug mode now without the Debug Mode Enabler.  So do that to start
  the game.
            see "1980009" at

- we also know how to activate pause/play/step remotely

- to sync, we figure out a way to sniff the messages going to the debug window...  as long as
  there's SOME watch-variable set (e.g. "mouse_x" or "mouse_y"), it gets sent a WM_PAINT after every
  step is finished
    Crap.  That doesn't capture many events.  The sourcecode for WinSpy++ is available, you have to
    do DLL injection to get that to work.  So is there an easier way?  If not, we might have to
    write a C script or something.

            - Fine!  It's not possible to create a general-purpose capturer.  So...  we'll just use
              GMCap instead.

- and then use this code to capture the individual frames as .png
                        see especially the utility functions CaptureScreen() and Convert() 

- and then use GIMP (or any other standard animated GIF tool) to put individual frames into a single animated image

So, basically, our program just steps as fast as it can...  the game may very well run slow, but the human is
able to accomodate this somewhat.