games > pc > WoW > sniffing
document updated 19 years ago, on Jul 25, 2005


Ethereal is what I specifically use, but there are many (free and commercial) tools available.

Communications are done over TCP. The local client connects to server port# 3724.

Gold Values

By searching for gold values, you can quickly find incoming/outgoing mail that contains money, auctions, and person-to-person trades that involve money. Underneath, everything is done in amounts of copper (eg. 5 gold = 50000 copper). Here's some example values to make sure you have your byte-order correct:
gold silver copper network bytes ethereal filter
9999 99 99 ff e0 f5 05 tcp matches "\\xff\\xe0\\xf5\\x05"
200 95 00 9c a9 1e 00 tcp matches "\\x9c\\xa9\\x1e\\x00"
5 0 0 50 c3 00 00 tcp matches "\\x50\\xc3\\x00\\x00"
50 0 88 13 00 00 tcp matches "\\x88\\x13\\x00\\x00"
10 a0 00 00 00 tcp matches "\\x0a\\x00\\x00\\x00"

Time Values

Time-remaining values (at least those found at the auction house) are stored in milliseconds. Here are a few examples for reference:
Time milliseconds network bytes
1.98 hours 7135983 ef e2 6c 00
38.21 minutes 2292982 f6 fc 22 00
21.11 minutes 1266623 bf 53 13 00

Item UID's

Auctioneer. Unpack, and take a look at ItemData.lua, and you'll find the UIDs that WoW uses:
network bytes Item Description
13446 86 34 Major Healing Potion
14342 06 38 Mooncloth

Basic filters

Type Filter Description
tcpdump tcp port 3724 Only capture WorldOfWarcraft packets
ethereal tcp matches "\\xa8\\xe6\\x50\\x00" Only display packets that include "Cilia@Thunderhorn"'s UID