document updated 14 years ago, on Oct 14, 2010
- Get in touch with the other tenants, get their take on this.
- basement tenant should be home after 6pm
- 2F tenant may be home from anytime 1pm - 7pm
- Keep an eye on the various foreclosure notification pages to have a heads-up if anything might be happening
- TODO: go to the courthouse and get the records for case 2010-CH-44408, find out if it applies to our property (NOTE: YES, Charter One Bk was involved in the mortgage for our building) (NO, RBS Citizens was not)
- TODO: regularly check those for updates, manually
- TODO: Are those reliable ways to watch for foreclosure or lis pendens? Are they updated quickly enough? Would they actually contain a notice of foreclosure? Are there other / better places to watch?
- TODO: make an application that does those automatically, and notifies me if it occurs
- Contact the landlord, ask him for his input — but NOT UNTIL Fri October 15... I must let the other tenants see the official sign before the landlord has a chance to take it down. (it's a Class C Misdemeanor to do so, though he committed perjury before a judge, so I wouldn't put anything past him)