geo > illinois > humboldt_park > apartment > 2010-10
document updated 13 years ago, on Oct 29, 2010

A list of all properties owned

To create this list:
  1. at the Cook County Recorder of Deeds website, do a grantor/grantee search for the desired name; get a unique list of them ( can be used to make it easier to do this uniquing)
  2. at the Cook County Assessor website, do a search on each PIN, to find the address
  3. at the Cook County Recorder of Deeds website, do a PIN search, find the most recent line that says "WARRANTY DEED", and whoever is listed in the "Grantee" column is the latest owner

under the name "Valentino Michael G"

Properties currently owned Properties previously owned

under the name "Valentino Michael"

under the name "Valentino Michael C"

under the name "Valentino Michael E"

under the name "Valentino Michael F"

under the name "Valentino Michael S"