document updated 2 years ago, on Nov 26, 2022

my own philosophical approach to politics

"The trouble is that once you see it, you can't unsee it. And once you've seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing, becomes as political an act as speaking out. There is no innocence. Either way, you're accountable." -Arundhati Roy

This quote does not mean, to me, that my political causes are beyond exposition or beyond debate, that they must be accepted a priori. To me, this quote can not be used to support the views of far-right revolutionaries, because those have no basis in evidence. Also, far-right revolutionaries often center the voices of those who recently held the most power, while the social justice side centers the voices of people who are most marginalized, who are at most risk of harm.

I very much believe that, if I had several hours to discuss my causes with a reasonable person, that I could provide many good statistics† and other information that would be very convincing. There is a growing body of social justice-oriented sociology research and social justice reporting. And while people in a position of privilege (which academicians and journalists almost universally are) often have a lot of difficulty truly understanding the viewpoints of marginalized people, 1) there are a tiny handful of marginalized people being accepted into the ranks of academicians and journalists, and 2) there have always been a small group of non-marginalized people who are better able to understand and amplify the voices of marginalized people. (which is not to say that allys' voices should be centered BY ANY MEANS, however it is true that allies acting in concert with marginalized people can enhance social justice movements).

† For example, many of the statistics surrounding social determinants of health, in particular, maternal mortality disparities which are difficult to attribute to anything but systemic causes.