document updated 19 years ago, on Oct 5, 2005
- ideal temperature: 35-38 deg.
Peltier fridges = max 44 degrees below
outside. But fridges should be 34 degrees below current, to be able to store overnight.
- thinkgeek
- coleman 40qt
(noisy? not peltier?
- holds 2liters
- WOOO! Coleman Powerchill looks awesome for several reasons:
- it can keep things warm as well as cool!
- it can hold a 2L
- people say it actually is really pretty cool
- it can plug into a car OR a wallsocket
- it comes with a power adapter that will let me do that to any other 12V unit
- places to buy: Sports Authority, REI
- several others from walmart
- warming ones are basically useless. anything below 140degrees, and you have to microwave it
after 2 hours of letting it sit, or it won't be safe
- smallish ones: