document updated 10 years ago, on Mar 2, 2015
the park has 150 lakes, 450 miles of streams,
72 named peaks higher than 12,000 feet
, and 1/4 of the park is above the tree line
park map
high-level overview of the park
other maps
backcountry camping
@estes park mountain shop
by "Petzoldt's energy miles" difficulty rating
more difficult summits
Longs Peak
, the only fourteener in the park
there are some technical climbs as well (
search for "class 4" or "class 5" here
equipment purchases/rentals
Estes Park Mountain Shop
(Estes Park, CO)
Kirk's Mountain Adventures
(Estes Park)
Never Summer Mountain Products
(Grand Lake, CO)
Denver REI
rents some things
mountaineering gear, tents, sleeping bags/pads, nordic skiing, camping stoves, backpacks, paddling gear, snowshoes
Hikes that are easier in Winter:
Deer Mountain
Guided tours:
estes park mountain shop
kirks mountain adventures
wildland trekking