sports > mountaineering > MtRainier > 20141228
document updated 10 years ago, on Dec 27, 2014
20141228 offline documents Reference documents I will store LOCALLY on my phone: (I could print these out, but waterproof paper is expensive)

The following short bits of info should also be brought:

Rainier Park headquarters — 360-569-2211
Rainier Park, Paradise visitor center — 360-569-6571
Rainier Park, radio dispatch — 360-569-6600

barometer/altimeter, drop over 3 hours:
    < 0.04"Hg or 1.3mbar        no problem
    > 0.07"Hg or 2.4mbar        consider ending the outing, find a safe bivouac site

avalanche danger is highest at 38° slope

weather radio:
    162.425     Motorola-ch4    Randle, WA      (S of the mountain)     (BEST)
    162.400     Motorola-ch2    Cle Elum, WA    (E of the mountain)
    162.550     Motorola-ch1    Seattle, WA     (NW of the mountain)
    162.550     Motorola-ch1    Yakima, WA      (SE of the mountain)

scanner frequencies:
    169.7250 main / dispatch
    168.6125 common use 1
    163.7125 common use 2
    171.7750 ? operations ?
        169.9000 forest service
        156.1350 OSCCR (on-scene command and coordination)
        159.0900 Buckley fire dept