document updated 16 years ago, on Oct 3, 2008
| | 100gb 2.5" HDD | 8gb thumb | 2gb thumb (super tiny) | 1gb thumb (super slow) | All-in-one DVD
MS-DOS v7.1, ghost.exe, .. | 8mb
| X | X | X | X | X
Knoppix | 4.7gb, or 700mb
| X | | | |
Some easily customizable Linux
(Ubuntu, Slax, Knoppix unionfs) | 700mb
| X | | | |
Backtrack linux | 700mb
| X | | X | | X
Damn Small Linux | 50mb
| | | | X |
BartPE |
| X | | | |
Hiren's | 100mb
| X | X | X | | X
lots of floppy images | 115mb
| X | | | | X
Ghost images |
| X | X | | |
Truecrypt BLOB |
| | | | |
- TODO: glue two credit cards together, and dremel a precise hole in it with 2 or 3 "friction tabs" that can hold the 2GB thumb in the middle (so I can keep the thing in my wallet)
Boot Configuration
DOS apps
Most DOS apps are small (small enough to keep on a boot floppy), so it's easy to keep the same set of programs on all of your boot media. These are mine:
- Ghost (Norton) — versions 8 and 11, maybe other versions.
- Grub4Dos — while optimally it should be installed in config.sys, it can often be run manually after bootup as well. IMHO, it's the most feature-full of the GRUB v1 variants.
- PC Check (Eurosoft) — good for laptop manufacturing testing
- MBRWizard — recommended by GRUB4DOS