document updated 1 year, 4 months ago, on Sep 29, 2023
first steps when learning the guitar
- lessons and classes
- School of Rock — it combines one-on-one instruction with group practice
- while most of their students are minors, they do also have an Adult Program
- the Oak Park School of Music teaches a WIDE range of serious instructions, among them guitar
- Cappelli Music exists, and they DO do adult instruction, but sheesh, it looks way too upper-class for me
- interesting stores nearby:
good YouTube content
I'm especially interested in people who have a lot of experience.
- Synner — recommended by a bunch of people at /r/guitarlessons, structured
- Fender Play — recommended by people at /r/guitarlessons, structured
- Justin Guitar — structured lessons
- Iam Stitch — 26 years experience, comes highly recommended by /r/guitarlessons. Structured even though YouTube.
- Musora — multiple author channel
- Rhett Shull — He performs a LOT. (though there are some criticisms of him)