document updated 1 year, 11 months ago, on Feb 28, 2023
random syntax highlighting tips
- Vim — in xterms/PuTTY/etc, using 256 color mode makes things look nicer
- ack — can be used to highlight regexp matches in a body of text
Windows clipboard containing colored text (RTF)
Linux clipboard containing colored text
- various "SSH in your browser" apps — these allow you to put colored HTML into your clipboard buffer
- good ways to clean up the HTML
- paste into CKEditor, work from there
- you can trim trailing spaces by using LibreOffice, View>Web Layout, Search&Replace, More Options>Regexp, and find +$
(note: you may have to cut-n-paste your specific space character, because it may be a )
generating HTML of syntax-highlighted code
tools that convert RTF→HTML
tools that convert ANSI→HTML
RTF documentation